CD Player / D/A Converter / Preamplifier Aesthetix ROMULUS Price (in Poland): 31 500 zł Manufacturer: Aesthetix Contact: 5220 Gabbert Road Suite A | Moorpark, CA 93021 USA | tel.: 805.529.9901 e-mail: info@aesthetix.net Manufacturer’s website: www.aesthetix.net Country of origin: USA Product delivered for test by: Soundclub Text: Wojciech Pacuła | Photos: Wojciech Pacuła; Aesthetix (nr 1) Translation: Marek Dyba |

Published: 3. April 2013, No. 108 |
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Our everyday life becomes more and more digitized. Nobody is surprised anymore with hybrids (also lingual) like: „Transport CD/DAC”, „DAC/CD Player” and so on. The modern language follows the reality we live in, and it reflects the minds of people using it, regardless of it being a good or bad thing. And the reality of audio world is as follows: a status of physical music carriers degrades in a fast pace while the importance of computer music files grows in a mind blowing rate. So nowadays, when a respected company introduces a new CD Player it means that either somebody in this company went crazy, or that there is some clever strategy behind it. Which one is it – well, that depends on to whom this product is addressed. ![]() What do I think about it? One thing is obvious to me – the countdown for CD has already started and it will become obsolete sooner or later. In the mid-priced segment of the market CD Player will extinct pretty soon literally „murdered” by so many manufacturers offering some sort of decent files players. It might take longer in the entrance level market segment as until now manufacturers failed to offer some cheap and easy to use (that is very important) products. It looks like the situation in high-end world is quite different though. I think that's where the CD and SACD Players will last longest, 10 maybe 15 years. There are many reasons for that, but the most important one is that only recently we started to experience the real magic of music played from CDs. Only the relatively new generation of players has been able to present the true top performance of what can be obtained from a CD, so it would be difficult to kiss that good bye so quickly. It has been achieved via progress made in the fields of both: players and Compact Discs manufacturing (for CDs I mean new generations of discs like: Crystal Disc, SHM-CD, HQCD, Blu-spec 2, SHM-XRCD24, CD-R copies of master tapes and so on). There is one more factor that discourages owners of high end systems from starting using music files – it seems that even the best labels aren't still ready for preparing files in a proper way, and that goes in particular for hi-res files. Most of them already learned how to produce a very good sounding CD, but music files seems to be still a terra incognita for them, with many traps waiting along the way to a good sound. Some of the particular features of this device are:
SOUND Recordings used during test (a selection)
![]() Digital sources built in the last few years offered much more sophisticated sound than those built before. The same goes for D/A Converters, which is rather understandable, but also for CD and Blu-ray Players. At the time of this test I also reviewed multi-format players: Marantz UD7007 and Cambridge Audio Azur 752BD for „Audio” magazine, and I was surprised how 'mature' sound both of them offered regardless of what sort of disc I was spinning, or what files playing. There are many reasons why such a progress has been made in the recent years and one of them was finding ways to deal with jitter, which is kind of a digital distortion. The other key factor was for manufacturers to finally realize that music is not just a group of sounds that need to be delivered in most precise fashion. They finally realized how complex the music was, how many relations between timbre, pace, resolution, selectivity, focus, micro and macro dynamics had to be also reproduced properly to get finally to a really good sound. One has to be impressed mostly by the improvements in the low price level – that mostly goes for D/A Converters like: Cambridge Audio's DACMagic 100, Arcam's rDAC, even rLINK, or a Cambridge Audio Topaz 5 CD Player. Each of them costs less then any element of my system. It's a real pleasure to find gems like these among really inexpensive devices, and I'm pretty sure it was not easy to make sound like they do. Equally significant changes are happening in the high-end audio. The character of the changes is similar to those already described, but the consequences of these changes are much more complex. The sound of this CD Player/DAC/preamplifier might be defined as warm. It is rich. It is liquid. It is pleasant to listen to. All these features of sound reminded me of some other very good players like Mark Levinson No.512 SACD or emm Labs XDS1 Signature Edition. All of them have somehow similar sound signature, that some might define as an 'analogue' sound, which in fact is rather a natural sound, although not necessarily perfectly neutral. You might be surprised seeing that I'm contradicting these two terms: natural and neutral. Strange, right?, as you might think that neutral sound must be also natural, meaning similar to what we can hear in the real life. But the audio world sets its own rules. One of them says that live music is something different from what might be caught on tape (or in file – recorded anyway). That's why neutral doesn't have to mean also natural, it's more a description of choices designers made, and of preferences of a listener. With or without preamplifier in a system? ![]() Maybe 10, or 15 years ago a similar sound signature was offered by Wadia players. It was warm, three-dimensional sound, with slightly softened attack, and warm midrange made CDs sound really nice despite problems CD Players had at that time. That's why Wadia was such a popular brand at that time and it was a popularity well earned. |
Romulus joins this club, delivering not only large, but also palpable, „physical” objects throughout the whole frequency range. The performance of this devices might seem slightly limited as its selectivity is not as good as of some other high-end devices. Recently I had a discussion with Andrzej Kisiel, chief editor in „Audio” magazine, during which he asked me how would I define a difference between resolution and selectivity. He was right to point out to me something, that I maybe subconsciously already knew, that too much or too little selectivity is a always a problem. But on the other hand resolution can't be too good, it is always not good enough. ![]() The most important thing When reviewing a multipurpose device, like Romulus, a reviewer has to consider many things that can be skipped when dealing with other type of device. He has to sort its properties, decide which might be the most important for potential buyer, which were important for its designers, and which are important for him. Yes, for him – in this case, for me. The most important question I ask myself when listening to any device is: do I like it? It seems like a subjective approach? Maybe, but I think it's the only one that makes sense, objective sens. Gathering experience from dozens, hundreds, or even (yes, it's been THAT many years already) thousands of listening sessions with different devices, using all my experience also from other fields, I always try to get to the point, and the point being: the „good” sound, which is as close to what I can hear on live concerts, as only possible, after taking into consideration one, but CRUCIAL correction – I need to remember that recording is a totally different world from live performance, so it can't sound the same. The answer to the question no 1 is very simple – I've never thought that a device at this price level could offer such a great performance. That's an assessment of the device as a whole. Another device I reviewed recently that performed so well was Ayon Audio CD-3s, but still Romulus surprised me with its finesse. Tonally Ayon's sound was similar, and it had more to offer in terms of functionality. But it was Romulus that made me spend long nights listening to the music via my headphones. Of course I realized that there was slight emphasis on lower end, and I knew that definition of sounds could be better, but I still loved this sound. The Austrian player delivers bigger, more open sound, which should work in many systems where Romulus might seems too warm sounding, or too restricted. Summary It doesn't really take me much effort to declare in a short form what I think about Romulus. It's a very simple case, really. Sound delivered by it is enchanting and involving. Its additional functions complement the CD Player perfectly, and I mean both, USB input and a volume control that were both implemented in a clever way. It will not fit into all possible systems though. If your system already lacks a bit of resolution, selectivity, or it delivers plenty of bass than I would suggest looking for some other player, like Ayon CD-3s for example. But if your system is well balanced, or maybe its sound could use a bit of richness/weight, than Romulus might be your Mount Everest, Northern and Southern Pool, your musical nirvana. TEST METHODOLOGY The test was an A-B comparison with the A and B known. Manufacturer used just five, small, rubber feet under it, which seems to call to the future owner to replace them with something better. I used three Finite Elemente CeraBalls, and than placed it on Acoustc Revive RAF-48H platform. I used Harmonix X-DC350M2R Improved-Version power cable. This player was tested in my system with Ayon Audio Polaris III preamplifier, but during most listening session Romulus drove directly either Soulution 710 or Dan D’Agostino Momentum Stereo power amplifiers. It was clear it performed better without an external preamplifier in the system. A Windows 8 computer with SSD 128 GB, 8 GB RAM and Jplay5 software player on board was connected to the USB input with Acoustic Revive USB 5.0 PL cable. DESIGN Romulus from Aesthetix is a very good example of fast growing subcategory of digital sources, that combine in one box two, and sometimes even three different devices, that are usually sold separately. In this case it's a CD Player, D/A converter with USB input, and a preamplifier, a three-in-one device. There is one thing missing that is included in its Austrian competitor Ayon Audio CD-3s – analogue inputs. There is one special thing about Romulus – you can order it with or without CD transport, when it's without it's called Pandora. That confirms that it is truly a CD transport and a DAC put in one box, and not just some marketing line to describe a CD Player with digital inputs. The enclosure is quite large and rigid. The looks is also different from many other devices. Usually the front panel is bigger than the outline of the device, sometimes outline and front have exactly the same size. It looks different here – the front panel rather fits into the outline created but side panels, top cover and bottom. The shape of push-buttons is characteristic for Aesthetix – a triangle, that refers to company's logo. In the middle of the front panel there is a large, blue display that combines alpha-numeric LED modules. It's divided into two sections – the smaller one indicates the time of particular CD track, or the sampling frequency for digital input, and the larger displays number of tracks, number of particular track, or the actual volume. The latter is shown only for a short moment for a CD playback, and all the time, when any digital input is used. The are also some blue LEDs sitting next to display to indicate a repeat mode, phase, and locking the signal from external transport. I guess these would look better if the shade of blue was the same as display's, I also think that they shine too bright. Push-buttons allow you to change active input, to activate 'mute” mode, to switch the display off, and, if you have to, to operate a CD player. Most of us are used to having button opening a drawer placed next to it – Aesthetix decided to place a „mute” button there instead – that's w bit counter-intuitive. The remote control could use some work too – it's not pretty, and not very handy either, although you can use it to control volume, change the phase, and chose which part of the display should be active. The cover is fixed with Velcro – surprise, right? But it makes tube rolling very simple. You can also try to listen to Romulus with top cover off – that changes the sound slightly too. The electronic circuit is divided into three parts. In the front there is a large can with transport mechanism and power supply. The transport mechanism is a Red Book TEAC's CD mechanism It is not very quiet and it's made of plastic, but it works fast and reliable. The rest of the circuit, that is not closed in a can, is divided into two parts with a vertical shielding. The smaller circuit is for digital inputs, the larger for D/A converter. The USB input is based on XMOS chip, with Gordon Rankin's software created for his own D/A USB Wavelength Audio converters. Streamlength Asynchronous USB was so innovative, and worked so well in many different implementations that it became very popular and many brands licensed it to use it in their own products, which Aesthetix did too. The circuit is mounted on a replaceable, vertical board, that might be upgraded/replaced in the future (possibly for a circuit that will process also DSD and PCM 32/384). Other digital inputs deliver signal to AKM AK4118 receiver. RCA and AES/EBU inputs are buffered with impedance matching transformers. Both boards are installed in the larger, horizontally placed motherboard with a large Motorola DSP chip that holds also Aesthetix proprietary digital filters. Also a signal from CD transport goes there. Next to this chip sits its own nice oscillator, and there are four more next to the DAC chips. ![]() On the other side of the shield there is a very nice D/A converter section. There is a Burr Brown PCM1792 DAC that accepts balanced current signal. Usually I/U conversion is done inside a chip (very few companies like Ancient Audio for example, do that in a passive way), because it ensures low level of distortions and noise. Aesthetix decided to use tubes for that purpose. Not any tubes, but selected NOS ones (New Old Stock) - Telefunken's E83CCS, that are cooled and shielded with EAT Cool Damper metal dampers. These tubes are coupled with the next section sporting 6922EH Electro-Harmonix, with parallel REL-CAP capacitors. The same, but larger values, capacitors couple 6922s with output. There is a simple volume control section right before the latter. So it looks like quite a complex preamplifier with a buffered output rather than a simple circuit with attenuator in the output. That's an option that is mounted on a vertical board plugged with gold plated pins. Attenuator is not a typical circuit – it's a hybrid design with a chip that executes attenuation in 1 dB steps with a beautiful resistor ladder, with precise, metallic resistors switched with relays in 6dB steps.
The power supply is also quite complex. It works continuously, also in „standby” mode, which is indicated with LEDs that are on. Each section has its own regulators, each sports a large number of Nichicon caps. Separate transformers power DAC section, transport mechanism, and digital section. |
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