Turntable + speed controller Muarah
Manufacturer: MUARAH |

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![]() The set included the MT-1 turntable (or: Mr. Black and Mr. White - the same design, different colors), combined with the Jelco SA-750D tonearm, the SQ quadraphonic signal decoder which was an extension of the MU-2 model and tube amplifiers MU-4. All of these components were designed and manufactured by Muarah. It was a true rarity on the Polish market, because it is rare for a company to start with such a complete lineup, so well-designed, and in addition with such a clear business idea. The components in question were not cheap. The quadraphonic technique is very specific and it has little to do with a realistic presentation of a musical event. It is rather about so called "effects", which is why the number of its fans was always small and it remained so. Much more interesting, from my point of view, and offering more possibilities, is treating this company's turntables like classic stereo devices. | An issue of 12 inches The MT-1, also called by the company Mr. Black or Mr. White, depending on the color of acrylic they used, remains the top product of Muarah. It is a decoupled design with springs used for isolation from vibrations, which is a solution taken straight from the 1970s, known from turntables such as Arista, Linn or SOTA, supported with oil damping. It is not without significance that these designs come from the same time a the quadraphonic technique. Although successful, enjoying some support, it has one serious limitation: such turntables can not be fitted with a tonearm longer than 9", because then the spring suspension would be unevenly loaded. The answer to this problem is the cheaper than MT-1 - although not cheap - MT-2 model with a non-decoupled design. But this is not a forced answer, because it offers more than just compatibility with arms up to 12" long. The idea was to prepare a solid turntable, using solutions from the more expensive design, one that could additionally make use of some external peripheries, but which would cost, along with the Jelco SA-750L arm, around 10,000 zlotys. ![]() WIESŁAW ZAWADA | JACEK SIWIŃSKI ![]() About us | We founded Muarah Audio in 2015. As engineers, graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology, specializing in electronic circuits and electro-acoustics, we had a good basis to design electromechanical devices ourselves - and we decided to make use of it. However, we have gained practical experience already before, realizing our hobby. Wiesław Zawada is passionate about mechanical devices, a lover of classic motorization and general automotive technologies. He loves designing and creating new products, he is unbearably meticulous - he takes care about every detail. I, in turn, (Jacek Siwiński - editor's note) from when I was a kid, I dealt with electronics, mainly sound processing devices: amplifiers, guitar effects, radio sets. My great passion are quadraphonic vinyl records, and I have quite a collection of those. Music is our common passion (we've created our own rock band at university). We also have a constant need to invent something new. Thanks to this, the Muarah product portfolio is constantly expanding and we have many ideas for the future. Mission | From the very beginning our „mission” was based on three postulates:
![]() MT-2 turntable is available also in black Our business philosophy is based on, among others, promoted by prof. Jerzy Hausner, Open Eye Economy, which assumes that the customer is most important for the entrepreneur and the quality of services and products delivered to him. The adequate profit is to be only a consequence and not a goal in itself. That is why we manufacture our devices in Poland and we are not looking for savings at the expense of compromises or resignation from our main postulates. Lineup | Our lineup initially included three devices, elements of a system for a demanding audiophile, a vinyl lover: the MT-1 turntable, the MU-4 integrated tube amplifier and the MU-2 tube phonostage. Their reception by clients and industry journalists was very positive. We were very happy because of the recognition of the fact, that our devices were refined from the very beginning, even though we were just starting our business. So following our initial success we designed the MT-2 turntable - lighter, simpler and much cheaper, but adapted to work with 9" to 12" arms. At the same time, we developed Precision Speed Controller, a unique in global scale controller of the rotation speed of the turntables platter. The PSC uses a feedback signal, transmitted wirelessly from the smart record clamp – the InteliClamp. The whole solution was submitted to the Patent Office. Proprietary ideas | In all our devices we implement our proprietary solutions such as:
![]() Let me also mention that we have developed a prototype of a modern decoder for playing quadraphonic vinyl records in SQ format. We organized several presentations of this technique, including one during the Audio Show 2015, in the SoundClub headquarters in Warsaw and in the City of Lodz Museum. These were unusual events which – in our opinion - besides promoting our own brand, propagated the vinyl technique itself. We plan to produce a multi-channel preamplifier, which will feature a SQ / QS decoder, which will also enable playback of multi-channel SACDs or DVDs. We know that there are some customers interested in such product. Our plans for near future are: our own, tangential arm and even cheaper turntable, also aforementioned multi-channel preamplifier, a re-play and measurement system for professional customers (record labels, editors of audio magazines), 120W tube power amplifiers 120 W as well as a hybrid headphone amplifier. And that's not all – we have many, many more new ideas... ![]() | MT-2 The MT-2 looks fantastic. Its design is modest, but also interesting, and a fit&finish equal to that offered by well-known companies from Europe. Its base is made of two acrylic boards, same as the 3.5 kg platter. There are two colors to choose from - white or black. The tonearm base, the cylinder which houses the external motor, and three large feet are in turn chromium-plated brass. The feet are the company's own solution and they constitute the main decoupling element. These are high cones of large diameter, with their sharp points hiding in the openings of the second set of cones, that are turned upside down. The lower cone is permanently joined with small acrylic pads. Underneath they feature small rubber pads. From the top, the feet can be screwed in or out using large caps – that allows user to level the deck. ![]() The main bearing is Muarah's own design, same as the base block for the tonearm, which extends from the base, allowing the use of different tonearm lengths. The synchronous motor (AC) is placed next to the deck in a cutout. It is closed in a heavy cylinder made of chromium steel. At the top there is a switch with green backlight. The basic version, that is without an external controller, the speed change is performed manually - you have to move the belt from one pulley on the motor axis to another. There is also a leather mat that should be placed on the platter. And that's it. It's a relatively simple but well made device. Manufacturer recommends pairing it with the 12" Jelco SA-750L arm. But one can also consider the latest and at the same time the most expensive arm from this manufacturer, the TK-950L (6650 PLN). This test was performed use both arms in turns. | PSC (Precision Speed Controller) Replacing the tonearm is not the only upgrade one can use. The external motor controller called PSC (Precision Speed Controller) is even more important one. The synchronous motors are excellent due to their unchanged operation over time, even when they start to wear off they spin just the same. They are called "synchronous" because they synchronize with the frequency of the power supply - in Poland it is 50 Hz. Obvious problem is the fluctuation of this frequency, which in the last year have been really significant. Just remember how late the clock in the oven was, synchronized also to 50 Hz, to realize the scale of the problem. |
![]() A classic component is therefore an electronic system that generates a perfect 50 Hz frequency for 33 1/3 rpm and a bit higher for 45 rpm. The Muarah company designed and made its own controller. It is different from others, because it is much more precise and advanced than most of such solutions available on the market. It consists of two components - a proper controller and a record clamp. The latter is called InteliClamp. It is integrated with an electronic system that constantly tests the rotational speed and using a radio frequency to send information to the power supply. On the front, acrylic panel, one can read the current speed, with an accuracy of two decimal places. The system can work automatically, with a clamp, or manually, with adjustment made by the user. It allows user also to choose the rotational speed between: 33 1/3 and 45 rpm. ![]() The device's appearance is just as nice as a turntable's. The housing is made of polished stainless steel, and the front is acrylic with a black background. It is backlit in green – there is a nice company logo and device name on it. In red, the display shows the speed meter and the selected rotational speed. Buttons changing the latter and the controller's operating mode are hidden under the front edge of the device. There is also a mains switch there. ![]() The MT-2 turntable test was carried out with two tonearms: Jelco SA-750L and TK-950L. I used the Miyajima Laboratory Madake cartridge (PLN 23,900) and the RCM Audio Sensor Prelude IC phono preamplifier. It was the same set as for the TechDAS Air Force III Premium (PLN 108,500) turntable test. I started the listening session with the most expensive setup, i.e. with the PSC controller and the TK-950L arm, then I "scaled it down” one by one - replacing the arm, removing the clamp and finally disconnecting the controller. The second part of the test concerned listening to the turntable with SA-750L arm and controller. ![]() Recordings used for the test (a selec- tion)
Japanese issues available at ![]() One thing is certain from the first moment: it is a turntable with a clearly defined sound - far from being neutral, at least if the term is associated with precision. It is equally clear that it is an extremely organic sound. And that the rhythm, low bass, pulse and everything that is associated with the foundation of sound are the most important elements here. How does it translate into sound? For one, we get big, beautiful vocals. Hans Theessink from the Jedermann Remixed sounded as if he was sitting right in front of me. It was a sound aimed at achieving such an effect. In the system with the TK-950L arm and the controller that I initially listened to, the most important was the low midrange and bass range. They had all the qualities that we associate with the so-called. "analogue" sound. The record was prepared by the Pauler Acoustics (Stockfish) Studio, which explains the tendency to emphasize the lower part of the range. Midrange in turn, was silky, smooth and energetic. No dullness, no nodding off, just fun. I could hear the same with the Frank Sinatra's recordings and not only from those mastered in analogue domain by Mobile Fidelity, but also from digital remasters released by EMI in 2009. The latter were smoothed and relaxed just enough so that it did not matter how they were prepared, that is, from a digital or analogue material. Of course, the analog realizations with MT-2 gain some extra warmth and extra smoothness, but they are not favored by this this turntable. I would even say that digital recordings and masters gain the most with this type of performance. I have already mentioned Sinatra in this context, so me also add Alan Parsons. In 2014, the Dutch label Music On Label re-issued the The Time Machine album from 1999, which featured the track from the Austin Powers - Spy Who Shagged Me movie. This is a classic edition of this type, i.e. cut from a digital file and made in a good pressing plant. My copy has a low number (000060) and the vinyl is transparent - both of these elements add to its sound quality. But it's still a digital realization, right? With a Muarah turntable and Miyajima Labs cartridge, Parsons sounded unbelievably well with center of gravity set quite low, with a smooth, really powerful bass. The upper treble was delicate and withdrawn, although when the cymbals entered, stronger guitars, they sounded powerful and vibrant. Although it was rather "gold", not "silver" or "steel" sound, if you know what I mean. Yet, it was a great sound - with a clear character, but still quite fresh, encouraging within it. Interestingly, MT-2, unlike many other turntables, was able to differentiate the depth of the stage, as well as the distance from the foreground. With Theessink the vocal was placed close, in front of the line connecting the speakers, but with Sinatra and Parsons it moved back. I similarly perceived the presentation from the The Dukes of Dixieland, the world's first stereo record. It was extremely dynamic and even "explosive". This turntable might sound warm, but it also able to rock! The turntable focuses listener's attention on the listening axis. Where other designs try to show the widest possible perspective, Muarah chooses focus. The soundstage is wide, it is not about narrowing the stage. But it also does everything it can to make us see the leader, the soloist. It is probably clear that all intimate recordings or ones with a "meditative" aura will sound unbelievably well with it. The pace&rhythm, even as strong as on the Depeche Mode's Behind The Wheel maxi-single, will be preserved. Such recordings will sound powerful and dense – because this is how this turntable sounds like. However, the moment with Oscar Peterson from the Exclusively for my Friends box or with Leszek Możdżer from the limited reissue of the Piano on the blue vinyl is enough to notice that the most important elements here are sustain, ambiance and smoothness. Because it's a turntable that caresses ears, heals nerves, resets listener. You can listen to music all day long without getting tired and irritated. Powerful rock will sound well, but something older will sound even better, like The Doors, Deep Purple will sound better than Garbage and Metallica. Because it is the former ones that have the density and energy in them, which gets lost somewhere in newer digital realizations. Although it differentiates recordings well, it is not a turntable designed to analyze them. Selectivity is hidden here under the tone. Tonality, saturation of sound is more important than attack, pushing forward. The last thing you could say about this system is that it is "analytical". The turntable nicely handles some of the problems related to noise and pops&cracks. It shows them along with the music, for the money it can not be done otherwise, but in a non-invasive, calm way. However, you must be prepared for the need of cleaning your records, because the system does not mask the pops&cracks. No clamp | The tonal balance of the turntable without clamp and constant speed control shifts a bit up, so it sounds brighter. It's still a dense, low-pitched sound, but now with a stronger emphasized upper midrange. It seems that the difference is not big, but the sound loses a bit of magic, which we get in the full system. Also the bass shortens slightly, and the sound stage is not so tangible, losing a bit of focus. I would say that the percentage difference was not large - it's about 7-10% (of course contractual) - but important enough so that if you listen to the turntable with the clamp you won't be willing to go back to listening without it. Jelco SA-750L | Switching to the cheaper Jelco SA-750L tonearm changed the sound even more. Now it was easy to hear that much of the density and fluidity - but also the roll-off in the top – came from the TK-950L. The cheaper arm is also smooth, it is also a bit warm and also seduces with "analogue" character, here understood as the internal compatibility of all elements, but also the softening of the attack. It better conveys opening of the sound, it is a bit brighter - although compared to other tonearms it is still on the warmer side of the world - and there is no such powerful and dense bass. ![]() Its advantage is a better accentuation of the rhythm. Both Sinatra and The Doors played faster, more "forward". So it is not that replacing the arm with a more expensive, mechanically better construction means an automatic improvement of all aspects of the sound. You should try both options, and you may find out that it will make more sense to buy a more expensive cartridge for a cheaper arm than a cheaper one for a more expensive one. Of course, it would be best to have an expensive cartridge and a more expensive arm, because this combination was clearly superior on the Muarah turntable. But in the real world, the world of choices, you should try both of these options. In both cases, however, it is worth considering a purchase of the PSC controller. This is a fantastic device, an extremely valuable part of the system. The turntable itself is extremely pleasant - smooth, devoid of any sharpness, but with the controller it sounds more accurately, more powerful and deeper. As with better control of the lowest bass. Summary The MT-2 is a very attractive, well-made turntable, and without any upgrades it already delivers a smooth, dense sound with a strong middle of the band. The low end is not particularly well controlled with it, but it isn't boomy; one may call it "tube-like". With the SL-750L tonearm I would use some liquid, not very bright cartridge - some Audio-Technica, Dynavector, or Denon DL-103. The biggest sonic improvement can be obtained by purchasing the PSC speed controller. It's a device that should be used in every system, not only in the Muarah's own. Replacing the arm with a more expensive one strongly changes the sound, towards warmth and density, so I would look for a cartridge with stronger leading edge, more open top. It could be one from Ortofon, Lyra, Shelter, etc. The system in the most expensive version retains all the basic features of the turntable base, but adds this incredible charm, along with low, dense bass. Bravo! RED Fingerprint. ![]() Technical specifications (according to manufacturer) Platter weight: 3,5 kg |

Reference system 2018 |
![]() 1) Loudspeakers: HARBETH M40.1 |REVIEW| 2) Line preamplifier: AYON AUDIO Spheris III Linestage |REVIEW| 3) Super Audio CD Player: AYON AUDIO CD-35 HF Edition No. 01/50 |REVIEW| 4) Stands (loudspeakers): ACOUSTIC REVIVE (custom) |ABOUT| 5) Power amplifier: SOULUTION 710 6) Loudspeaker filter: SPEC REAL-SOUND PROCESSOR RSP-AZ9EX (prototype) |REVIEW| 7) Hi-Fi rack: FINITE ELEMENTE Pagode Edition |ABOUT| |
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Cables Analog interconnect SACD Player - Line preamplifier: SILTECH Triple Crown (1 m) |ABOUT|Analog interconnect Line preamplifier - Power amplifier: ACOUSTIC REVIVE RCA-1.0 Absolute-FM (1 m) |REVIEW| Speaker cable: SILTECH Triple Crown (2.5 m) |ABOUT| |
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AC Power Power cable | Mains Power Distribution Block - SACD Player: SILTECH Triple CrownPower (2 m) |ARTICLE| Power cable | Mains Power Distribution Block - Line preamplifier - ACOUSTIC REVIVE Power Reference Triple-C (2 m) |REVIEW| Power cable | Mains Power Distribution Block - Power amplifier - ACROLINK Mexcel 7N-PC9500 |ARTICLE| Power cable | Power Receptacle - Mains Power Distribution Block: ACROLINK Mexcel 7N-PC9500 (2 m) |ARTICLE| Power Receptacle: Acoustic Revive RTP-4eu ULTIMATE |REVIEW| Anti-vibration platform under Acoustic Revive RTP-4eu ULTIMATE: Asura QUALITY RECOVERY SYSTEM Level 1 |REVIEW| Power Supply Conditioner: Acoustic Revive RPC-1 |REVIEW| Power Supply Conditioner: Acoustic Revive RAS-14 Triple-C |REVIEW| Passive filter EMI/RFI: VERICTUM Block |REVIEW| |
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Anti-vibration Speaker stands: ACOUSTIC REVIVE (custom)Hi-Fi rack: FINITE ELEMENTE Pagode Edition |ABOUT| Anti-vibration platforms: ACOUSTIC REVIVE RAF-48H |ARTICLE| Isolators: |
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Analogue Phono preamplifier: Phono cartridges:
Clamp: PATHE WINGS Titanium PW-Ti 770 | Limited Edition Record mats:
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Headphones Headphone amplifier: AYON AUDIO HA-3 |REVIEW|Headphones: Headphone Cables: Forza AudioWorks NOIR HYBRID HPC |
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