
KEF Reference - regulacja

Dear KEF distributor

KEF is pleased to announce a significant revision to its internationally acclaimed Reference Series range of quality high-end loudspeakers. Responding to feedback from consumers and retailers, the new 'Uni-Balance Reference' offers increased flexibility to the user by allowing for adjustment of the balance of the speaker to compensate for room acoustics, partnering electronics and system configuration.

The existing three position bass-level adjustment, boundary compensation device has been reconfigured to allow two settings for bass level and four settings for tweeter/hypertweeter level. Bass performance is also improved.

The Reference range has received consistently high praise from reviewers and customers alike for its uncompromisingly natural and analytical sound quality. Coupled with well-matched, quality electronics, the speakers produce a level of clarity and integration rarely heard from a sound reproduction system. Key to this is the latest symbiotically designed Uni-QR driver array with 'Uni-Form' copolymer midrange cone and the elliptical profile titanium tweeter dome. This new Uni-Q array offers better coupling of the tweeter radiation to the (midrange cone) waveguide, and hence improved stereo imaging; but at the expense of slightly increased tweeter directivity. The tweeter level in the standard version is set to provide a specific balance between the midrange and HF sections, optimised in true audiophile tradition for the reproduction of natural sounds such as voices and acoustic instruments. However, some users have found this to make the speakers sensitive to room acoustics, partnering electronics to the quality of recordings. Hence the new four position HF/SHF level adjustment, which allows the user the flexibility to optimise the balance for their specific system and environment. Crossover changes have also been made to provide improvements in the bass performance. The bass quality is improved, with better balance, clarity and timing and the two position level adjustment gives the user the ability to optimise performance for free space or boundary positioning.

For information on the current KEF Reference Series Range visit:

The Uni-Balance Reference has been incorporated into Reference Series Models 205, 203 and 201. All Uni-Balance systems assembled at Maidstone, are easily traceable as they have new SP numbers:
SP3482 ** Reference 203
SP3494 ** Reference 205
SP3507 ** Reference 201

The SP number appears on the terminal panel (label at the bottom of the panel). Due to leadtime of new labels, the first few batches were concessed and have labels stating the SP number on the base of the cabinet, with the old number on the terminal panel blacked out. All distributor prices remain the same.

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